srijeda, 8. prosinca 2010.

You can't get rid of me

Yeah, as the title says, you just can't get rid of me. I'm here to stay!
I've been practicing my English accent these days, and I am pretty good, compared to my dad's accent.
I also started writing a novel. Teen fiction. I am not really sure how that will come out in the end, but I'm having a fun time writing it.
Some of my friends have really gotten annoying, Lucifer (she's a girl) is always trying to take off someone's pants (don't even ask why), Joss (also a girl) has gotten really emotional and self-conscious and Pat (yep, a girl), is really silent and she also won't help me during math (and that's really annoying since I haven't slept for ages and I mostly sleep during class).
I've found myself spending most of my time reading manga with Will (my brother), and wolfing down all of the snacks in the house (I'm pretty sure there's no chocolate anywhere in here, not anymore).
Today Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows game for Nintendo DS came in the mail, and I've been playing it for few hours already, but I should've been studying history (sometimes I amaze myself with all this laziness for studying), oh, and I have been listening to John Lennon's songs for the whole day; after all, it is the anniversary of his death. R.I.P. dear John.
 I came to the point of wanting to write about something, but not knowing what to write about.. What about a song? That I could always write.

Can someone tell me,
What's the meaning of the word love?
Is love complete trust,
Or maybe, only lust?

Does it even exist?
Can you remember when you were first kissed?
Is there a meaning at all,
Or do we just need something to believe in?

Urgh. Can't go any further, since I have a mini writer's block. I'll try to finish this song when I find the time.

'Til my next post,


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